
The Well has enabled me to adopt an enlightened perspective – to see the world with a new lens. I feel lighter and more available to all the possibilities of each day. I am grateful for the infusion of love and embrace the magic that had gone unnoticed because I was constantly rushing from one place to the next.

Helen Welde Doyle

The Well has enhanced my life. Once you’ve learned something, it opens the door for change and opportunity and it can’t be unlearned. I feel that I’m moving in a positive direction and evolving. While I am a member of St. Vincent de Paul Catholic Church in Baltimore, I believe that the Well is not separate from my faith community, but goes hand-in-hand and that both feed the spirit and soul.

Joanne Capizzi

I wish more people knew how spiritually safe and nurturing the atmosphere of the Well’s offerings are, especially for people who are recovering from negative spiritual encounters in their past. The Well offers experiences that challenge individuals to stretch themselves spiritually without it feeling forced or overly institutional.

Rev. Scott Slater

The Well is essentially a community of seekers, not just a place to find small group programs. The overlap enrollment among programs is broad so there is the opportunity over time to develop spiritual friendships and support among a group of individuals who want to focus on ‘what is important’ in their lives, and the life of the world. This can become the transformative experience I believe we all seek. And the Well welcomes all who thirst for spiritual satisfaction regardless of religious background or beliefs. ‘Not knowing’ is considered liberating here rather than shameful.

Dr. Franklin Adkinson

Of course, we have many programs and events that have a wide appeal, but what many people might not think about when deciding about participating is the incredible people that are drawn to this organization that they will have the opportunity to meet. I knew that I would learn more about myself and deepen my own spirituality by participating at the Well, but I never envisioned the deep relationships and friendships that I have made over the last several years. The Well has really enriched my social life as well as my spiritual life. And what wonderful friendships they are.

Maggie Lears

I wish people knew that they are invited to attend our programs regardless of where they are on their journey. We have programs for men as well as women, for people who are just starting to explore spirituality and for people who have been at it for years, and for people who can’t afford to pay the full price of our programs. It’s important to remember that while some people’s spirituality is rooted in their religion, many others who come to the Well don’t have a specific religion that they adhere to. People come to the Well’s programs because they seek to live more meaningful, connected, abundant lives.

Mabeth Hudson

Well for the Journey